Effective: May 2021
Revised: February 2023
  • Information You Share with Us
  • Information Collected Automatically
  • Information Obtained from Third Parties
  • Legal Bases for Processing
  • Operational Uses
  • Marketing Uses
  • Sharing of Personal Data
  • Accessing, Modifying, Rectifying, and Correcting Collected Personal Data
  • Your Privacy Rights
  • Your Nevada Privacy Rights
  • Your California Privacy Rights
  • Your China Privacy Rights
  • Communications Opt-Out
  • Location Information
  • Cookies, Web Tracking, and Advertising
  • MyGulfstream Account
  • Sharing Reports
  • Camera and Photo Albums
  • Gulfstream Global Events
  • Collection of Personal Data from Children
  • Third-Party Websites and Services
  • Business Transfer
  • International Data Transfers


Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation and its affiliates (“Gulfstream,” “we,” “us,” “our”) respects your privacy and is committed to protecting the personal data we hold about you. If you have questions, comments, or concerns about this Privacy Notice or our processing of personal data, please see the bottom of this Privacy Notice for information about how to contact us. Gulfstream is the data controller of the personal data collected and is responsible for the processing of your personal data.

This Privacy Notice explains our practices with respect to personal data we collect and process in connection to your relationship with us. This includes information we collect through, or in association with, websites we own that link to this Privacy Notice, any related apps that we may provide, together with all products and services we may offer from time to time via our websites and/or related apps, our related social media sites, our events, or otherwise through your interactions with us, and any information we collect through third parties (the website, apps, products, services, and social media pages, collectively, the “Services“).

Please review the following information to understand how we process and safeguard personal data about you. By using any of our Services, whether by visiting our website or otherwise, and/or by voluntarily providing personal data to us, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the practices contained in this Privacy Notice. This Privacy Notice may be revised from time to time, so please ensure that you check this Privacy Notice periodically to remain fully informed.


This Privacy Notice describes the processing activities common to the Services. Certain Services may process additional personal data or may involve other processing activities. Consult the applicable “Privacy Notice Addendum” (each an “Addendum,” collectively “Addenda“) for each Service for more information about such activities. In the event of a conflict or discrepancy between this Privacy Notice and any Addendum for a given Service, the Addendum shall control.


We collect a variety of personal data from and about you through the Services, including:

  • When you provide it to us directly;
  • Automatically through logging and analytics tools, cookies, and as a result of your use of and access to the Services; and
  • From third-party sources, including from app stores, which includes service providers such as payment processors, aircraft maintenance providers, and analytics providers, and through your interactions with us on social media websites.

You have choices about certain information we collect. When you are asked to provide information, you may decline to do so; but if you choose not to supply information that is necessary to provide any aspect of our Services, you may not be able to use those Services. In addition, as described below in the section captioned “YOUR CHOICES,” it is possible to change your browser settings to block the automatic collection of certain information.

Finally, we may collect data that is not identifiable to you or otherwise associated with you, such as aggregated data, and is not personal data. To the extent this data is stored or associated with personal data, it will be treated as personal data; this data is not subject to this notice.

  •  Information You Share with Us:We collect personal data from you when you provide it to us, including through forms on our websites and mobile apps; when you request or provide information to create an account with one of our Services, such as a MyGulfstream account; ordering or purchasing goods, support, or services; interacting with us on social media, or contacting us with questions or comments.

    For example, if you order products and/or services from us directly through the Services, request a private consultation, or submit a media usage request, you must provide us with information to process that request, including, but not limited to, email address, first and last name, name of media outlet, billing address, shipping address, payment information, as applicable, and any other information you may optionally provide, such as telephone number, aircraft tail number, information included in gift notes or provided for custom or personalized items.

    With respect to the Gulfstream Store, we collect your account information (if applicable), including your first and last name, email address, and password.

    If you request a MyGulfstream account for yourself or your organization, you will need to provide us with certain information about yourself and, in certain circumstances, information about others in your organization, including name, title, email address, telephone number, postal address, username and password, information about aircraft you have responsibility for (which may include registration or serial number), role within the organization, and other information you may optionally provide such as birthday, nickname, and other comments. Some of our Services (including our mobile apps) require that you login to such Services with your MyGulfstream account. For such Services, we collect your MyGulfstream account username and password to authenticate your use of the particular Service.

    • Performance: With respect to the Performance app, we also use your MyGulfstream account credentials to determine what model(s) of aircraft are associated with your MyGulfstream account so that the app can show statistics that correspond to that particular model of aircraft.
    • PlaneBook: With respect to the PlaneBook app, we also use your MyGulfstream account credentials to determine what aircraft model subscriptions are associated with that account so that the app can make available the corresponding documentation and manuals. We also provide text search functionality, and search terms you enter are collected by the app.
    • MyCMP: In connection with the Gulfstream MyCMP computerized maintenance system, its mobile application, and its related systems, we use your MyGulfstream account credentials to authenticate your use of the app. After authentication, the app accesses the information in your MyGulfstream account to identify the users, organizations, and aircraft associated with your MyGulfstream account so that the app can access and show information and activate functionality that corresponds to those users, organizations, and aircraft. This includes maintenance and inspection history, records, and logs, and other user-, organization-, and aircraft-specific information stored in the MyGulfstream and app systems.
      We also collect information you, or your organization on your behalf, choose to submit through the MyCMP app (including in managing and operating aircraft). This includes, for example, fleet information, flight plans, compliance documents, maintenance plans, certifications you or others may hold, a PIN and/or other credentials for digital signatures, a digital version of your signature, user preferences and notification settings, and similar. We, and our service providers on our behalf, collect information that you submit through the app to our systems analysts (including your name, email address, aircraft ID number, and questions and requests for information).
    • Gulfstream Global Events: If you register for one of our live or virtual events, including sponsored industry-related events, and are an existing customer, we access the information associated with your customer profile to facilitate the registration process and to provide you with information and updates about the event. If you are not an existing customer and register for one of our events, including sponsored industry-related events, we collect your personal data, including your name, email address, title, and employer. When registering for an event, we may ask you to provide additional information, such as your passport information and photo (for international events) and dietary preferences.

      We use the information collected or accessed during the registration process to provide event services, including sending information and updates about the event, processing check-ins at our events, and badge printing.

      If you register for one of our events, you may have the option to download the Gulfstream Global Events app to help you navigate the event by providing event information, such as an event schedule, exhibitor list, speaker list, and event space maps. When you log into the app, we collect your name and email address used to register for the event. After login, the app accesses the information associated with your event registration to create your profile. We use this information for networking and researching potential sales opportunities. You will have the option to make your profile “live” to share your information with other event attendees. For certain events, we may require that you complete a health questionnaire so that we can ensure the health and safety of event staff and attendees. We may also asked you to complete a survey to answer questions about your experience.

      When you attend our events, we, and third-party service providers on our behalf, scan your attendee badge or barcode on your mobile device to confirm attendance and to control access to our events.

    • If you visit us: If you make an appointment to visit one of our sites, we may request certain personal data to register your visit and carry out certain security checks ahead of your arrival. This may include your name, title, date of birth, address, telephone number, passport number, organization details and any other identifier we may reasonably require.  If you decline to provide this information, we may not be able to grant your request to enter our site(s).

    Finally, if you contact us with questions, requests, or concerns, or to exercise your legal rights, we collect personal data sufficient to answer your questions, address your requests, and/or handle your concerns, as applicable. In certain situations, we may also require you to provide personal data to authenticate your identity in order to carry out your requests.

    We also collect information from you that, depending on applicable law, may not constitute personal data.

  •  Information Collected Automatically:When you browse or use the Services, we may utilize commonly used logging and analytics tools, including Google Analytics and for our mobile applications, Microsoft Azure, to collect information about your device, the network used to access the Services, and information about your use of the Services (such as how you navigate and move around the Services, content viewed, and, if applicable, your addition and removal of “favorites”). We will ask for your consent to place such technologies on your device, except where they are essential for us to provide you with a service that you have requested, please see our Cookie Notice for more information.

    We may also use certain technologies on the Services, including cookies and pixel tags, that allow us, our service providers, and other third parties to store information locally on your device, identify your device, track your interactions with other sites or with our email campaigns, and track activity over time and across websites.

    Information collected automatically includes the software and hardware attributes of the device you use to access the Services, unique device ID information, screen resolution, regional and language settings, browser type and version, performance data about the Services, network provider, and the IP address (a number assigned to your device when you use the internet). This information allows us to monitor usage patterns, improve the Services, authenticate your device, provide requested documentation for download, troubleshoot issues, and identify potentially suspicious activity. In addition, information is collected passively in the form of log files and third-party analytics that record activity on websites and mobile applications. For example, log file entries and analytics data are generated every time you visit a particular page on our websites and track the dates and times that you use the Services, the pages you visit, the amount of time spent on specific pages, and other similar usage information, and general data, including the name of the web page from which you entered our website. Usage and analytics information may be aggregated with other usage information to help us understand how our users use and interact with the Services.

    • Location Information: If you permit certain Services (such as our mobile applications) to access information about your location (including Global Positioning System (“GPS”) or general location information derived from the network you use to access the Services), we collect the precise or general location information provided by your device for the purposes listed below, and for the purposes listed in the Addenda for certain Services. See the “YOUR CHOICES” section below for more information about how to disable or limit the collection of GPS data.
      • CabinConfig: If you use our CabinConfig app, we use location information to understand mobile application usage per location.
      • 24-Hour Support: If you use our 24-Hour Support app, we use your location information to identify Gulfstream and third-party service centers that are near your location. This location information is only collected, accessed, and used locally on your device, and is not transmitted to us or to any third-party service centers.
      • CabinView Mobile: If you use our CabinView app, we request location permission the first time you use the app to initialize the map in your current location. Once the connection is made and we get a location update from the airplane server, we no longer access your location data. This information is not shared or saved.
      • Gulfstream Global Events: If you use our Gulfstream Global Events app, we use geolocation data to market to, understand, and communicate with our audience, and to tailor our users experience in the app.
      • Gulfstream DAM: If you download and view our marketing and completion digital assets, we use your location information to market to and understand our audience.
      • Wistia: If we share our marketing videos with you, we use your location information to market to and understand our audience.
    • Cookies, Web Tracking, and Advertising: We may use cookies and pixel tags to personalize and enhance your experience in regard to our Services, to collect data about your visit to our Services, to help diagnose problems with our servers, to administer the Services, to evaluate the effectiveness of our marketing and advertising campaigns, to permit analytics providers to gather information about your use of the Services, to gather broad demographic information about our users, and to remember choices you have made or information you have provided.

      We may also use certain technologies that allow us, our service providers, and other third parties to store information locally on your device, identify your device, track your interactions with other sites, and track activity over time and across websites. In addition, we allow third party advertisers, including advertising providers and ad networks, such as Google, to place and/or activate cookies, pixel tags, and/or other tracking technologies designed to enable advertising on your device and deliver it to you across the Internet.

    • Cookie Notice: Please see our Cookie Notice and the “YOUR CHOICES” section of this Privacy Notice for more information about cookies and other web tracking technologies on the Services; information about how you can reject, delete, or prevent cookies from being placed on your system; and how you can opt out of, limit, or prevent certain web tracking technologies and/or advertising providers from collecting information about you.
  •  Information Obtained from Third Parties:We receive personal data from third parties that we have engaged to provide services to us and to you, including payment processors, providers of aircraft maintenance services, as well as from third parties that provide web and application analytics and usage information to us, such as Google Analytics and Microsoft Azure. We also obtain personal data from third party advertisers, including advertising providers and ad networks, such as Google. These advertisers use cookies, pixel tags, and other tracking technologies to collect information about your online activity and provide online behavioral advertising.

    In addition, we use SurveyGizmo to transmit to us information you enter into forms on our websites and apps. We may also obtain personal data when you request that third parties provide it to us and from government and/or regulatory records, such as the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) Registry.

    • MyCMP: We have partnered with a third-party service provider that hosts, maintains, and updates the MyCMP app on our behalf, operates the user help line, and provides training on the app, among other functions. As a result, information you cause to be processed using the app, through helpdesk calls, and collected through trainings is processed by that service provider on our behalf and made available to us.
      Your organization may provide us with personal data about you and its users, including in registering, setting up, and maintaining your MyCMP access credentials. We may also obtain information from maintenance providers, OEMs, and manufacturers who service or manufacture components in our aircraft, some of which may constitute personal data.
    • Gulfstream Store: We have partnered with a third-party service provider that hosts, maintains, and updates the Gulfstream Store on our behalf and, among other functions, operates the Store’s customer service and customer support. As a result, information you cause to be processed through the Store is processed by that service provider on our behalf and made available to us.
    • Gulfstream Global Events: We have partnered with a third-party service provider that hosts the Gulfstream Global Events app and operates and manages certain event services on our behalf, among other functions. As a result, information you cause to be processed while registering for or attending an event or using the app is processed by that service provider on our behalf and made available to us.

    In addition, if you choose to interact with us or our partners on social media by posting to our pages, tagging us (or using certain hashtags or other identifiers) in posts, or participating in activities, we may collect certain information from the social media account you use to interact with us, including the name associated with the account, the account handle, recent activity, the content of any posts in which we are tagged, and other information that may be contained on your social media profile to allow us to respond to the posts and understand and engage with our audience.

    We have partnered with third-party service providers that conduct market research services to help us grow our business and provide tailored Services to you.

    • AMSTAT: is a market research company that carries out business aircraft market research and provides the researched information to aircraft industry professionals. The information compiled by AMSTAT includes names of aircraft owners/operators (including fractional owners and operators), executive and aviation personnel and contact information. As a result, information that is publically available or provided to AMSTAT may be provided to us from AMSTAT. We use this information to operate our business and support its growth, including providing information about our Services to you. For your information, AMSTAT’s privacy notice can be found here. Please note we do not accept responsibility or any liability for the accuracy or legal compliance of AMSTAT’s privacy notice.
    • JETNET: carries out research and collects data relating to global fleets of business aircraft and provides such information to aircraft industry professionals. The information includes business names and contact details of owners, operators, those working for such owners and operators and other related aviation personnel. This information may be shared with us to operate our business and support its growth, including providing information about our Services to you. For your information, JETNET’s privacy notice can be found here. Please note we do not accept responsibility or any liability for the accuracy or legal compliance of JETNET’s privacy notice.

    For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, “partners” means affiliates, service providers, licensors, vendors, manufacturers, distributors, or other third parties with which we have a business relationship.


We process personal data for two general purposes, pursuant to various legal bases, including:

  • For our business operations (including communicating with you, fulfilling orders, providing information about our products and services, improving the Services, and complying with applicable legal requirements); and
  • To market and promote our, and our partners’, products and offerings.

We disclose personal data to our service providers to allow them to provide services to us and assist in carrying out your requests.

In addition, we may disclose information we maintain, including personal data, when permitted or required to do so by law, in response to a request from a law enforcement agency or authority or any regulatory authority, and/or to protect the integrity of the Services or our interests, rights, property, or safety, and/or that of our users and others.

Please see the “YOUR CHOICES” section below for information about how you can make decisions about how we process personal data, including how to opt out of certain marketing communications.

  •  Legal Bases for Processing:We process personal data for, or based on, one or more of the following legal bases:
    • Performance of a Contract: We may use personal data to enter into, or perform under, the agreement between us, including processing payment and billing information as part of a purchase or sale, to conduct due diligence on customers and potential customers, providing subscription services, responding to questions or inquiries, and providing customer service and support.
    • Legitimate Interests: We may use personal data for our legitimate interests, including authenticating your use of the Services; improving service and offerings; providing you with information about our products, services, and offerings, such as information about models of our aircraft and about pre-owned aircraft; providing information, manuals, and documentation about Gulfstream aircraft; providing you with information about aircraft maintenance and service centers; to the extent necessary and proportionate for the purposes of ensuring the security of our premises, network, and information; and for administrative, security, fraud detection and prevention, and legal compliance purposes.
    • Compliance with Legal Obligations and Protection of Individuals: We may use personal data to comply with the law and our legal obligations, as well as to protect you and other individuals from certain harms.
    • Your Consent: We process certain personal data because you have given us your consent to process it in that manner.
  •  Operational Uses:We process your personal data as part of our operations, which include:
    • Providing you with information tailored to your requests, responding to inquiries, delivering services and products, providing subscription services, providing customer service and support, maintaining or servicing accounts, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying customer information, and processing payments;
    • Operating, maintaining, and improving the quality or safety of the Services and such content, products, and/or services as we may make available through the Services;
    • Communicating with you by email, mail, telephone, push notification, post and other methods of communication, in each case with your consent, if such consent is required in accordance with applicable laws, about products, services, order status, and other topics;
    • For security, troubleshooting, and fraud detection and prevention purposes;
    • Compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules, and requests of relevant law enforcement and/or other governmental agencies;
    • Endeavoring to protect our and our partners’ rights, property, health or safety, and the rights, property, and health and safety of our users and other third parties; and
    • For other purposes, as permitted or required by law.
  •  Marketing Uses:We process your personal data to send messages to you about us, our partners, and the products and services we and our partners offer, which may from time to time include contests, rewards, events, and special offers for products and services. These communications are tailored based on your activity on the Services and the communications preferences you select when providing us with your information. We have a legitimate interest in using your personal data for marketing purposes. This means we do not always need your consent to send you marketing information. We will only process your personal data with consent if such consent is required in accordance with applicable laws. We process personal data collected through social media platforms and tracking technologies to market to and understand our audience. We also process personal data to conduct market research, engage in networking opportunities, and research potential event experiences that would become sales events and opportunities. We may process personal data to send you marketing information in a business-to-business context where we have a legitimate interest to do so.

    You have the right to opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time by:

    • contacting us at please include “Opt Out” in the email’s subject line and include in the body of the email your name and the email address (and, if applicable, telephone number and address); or
    • using the ‘unsubscribe’ link provided in our emails.

    We may ask you to confirm or update your marketing preferences if you ask us to provide further Services in the future, or if there are changes in the law, regulation, or the structure of our business.

    For more information on your right to object at any time to your personal data being used for marketing purposes, see ‘YOUR RIGHTS REGARDING PERSONAL DATA’

  •  Sharing of Personal Data:Some of the above processing involves sharing collected personal data with third parties, including service providers, affiliates, and other partners.
    • We share personal data with third parties when you ask us to do so;
    • We share personal data among our affiliated entities;
    • We share personal data with our service providers, including our event sponsors and partners to ensure that your personal information is up to date and to administer, secure, and seek feedback on and promote our events, those that provide aircraft support services such as maintenance and scheduling, payment processors, software and Web developers, customer relations management (CRM) services, communications services, order processing and fulfillment services, commercial mail/email providers, security consultants and providers, data hosting services, analytics providers and other vendors we engage so that they may provide services to you, to us, or on our behalf; and
    • We share personal data with third parties when we believe it is required by, or necessary to comply with, applicable law.

    MyCMP: Note that information entered into or accessible through the MyCMP app may be accessible to administrators and personnel at Gulfstream, our service providers, and your organization. Backups of information entered into or accessible through the app are stored in datacenters operated by or on behalf of our service providers, and other information may be backed up or stored locally on your device, on your organization’s systems, and on servers operated by us or on our behalf.

    Gulfstream Global Events: Note that if you use the Gulfstream Global Events app, you will have the option to make your profile “live” to share your information with other event attendees. However, in the event you choose to share your information with third parties, you understand that we have no knowledge of, or control over, such sharing, and you elect to do so at your own risk.

    PlaneBalance: Note that you can choose to use the “Share” functionality in the PlaneBalance app to send and share reports you create with us and/or with third parties through your email account or other communications methods. To the extent you send any personal data to us using that functionality, we will use and share that information in compliance with this Privacy Notice. However, in the event you choose to share information with third parties, you understand that we have no knowledge of, or control over, such sharing, and you elect to do so at your own risk.


We employ reasonable and appropriate physical, technical, and organizational safeguards designed to promote the security of our systems and protect the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of personal data. Those safeguards include: (i) the pseudonymization and encryption of personal data where we deem appropriate; (ii) taking steps to ensure personal data is backed-up and remains available in the event of a security incident; and (iii) periodic testing, assessment, and evaluation of the effectiveness of our safeguards.

However, no method of safeguarding information is completely secure. While we use measures designed to protect personal data, we cannot guarantee that our safeguards will be effective or sufficient. In addition, you should be aware that internet data transmission is not always secure, and we cannot warrant that the information you transmit utilizing the Services is or will be secure.


We retain personal data for a period of time depending on the type and sensitivity of the personal data, the purpose for which it is processed, and to the extent we deem necessary to carry out the processing activities described above, including, but not limited to, compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and requests of relevant law enforcement and/or other governmental agencies, and to the extent we reasonably deem necessary to protect our and our partners’ rights, property, or safety and the rights, property, and safety of our users and other third parties. We consider multiple factors, including legal requirements, the scope and nature of the personal data, and potential risk of harm to data subjects from a data breach, in determining the appropriate retention period.

For example, we generally retain personal data about our customers for the duration of the customer relationship plus a number of years afterwards. That process depends on the sensitivity of the information and the purpose for which it is processed. For example, personal data processed for the purposes of ensuring security of Gulfstream facilities during customer visits is held for a shorter period of time than personal data processed as part of customer service or sales contract activities.

If you have a specific question regarding retention of your personal data, you may contact us as described in the “Additional Information and Assistance” section below.


You have a variety of legal rights regarding the collection and processing of personal data. You may exercise these rights, to the extent they apply to you, by contacting us at, as provided at the end of this Privacy Notice, or by following instructions provided in this Privacy Notice or in communications sent to you. Please be prepared to provide reasonable information to identify yourself and authenticate your requests.

Note, however, that we may request certain reasonable additional information (that may include personal data) to help us authenticate the request and/or to clarify or understand the scope of such requests.

These rights vary depending on the particular laws of the jurisdiction applicable to you, but may include:

  • The right to know whether, and for what purposes, we process personal data about you;
  • The right to be informed about the personal data we collect and/or process about you;
  • The right to learn the source of personal data about you we process, where we obtain that personal data from a source other than you;
  • The right to access, modify, and correct personal data about you (as set forth in more detail below under “Accessing, Modifying, Rectifying, and Correcting Collected Personal Data”);
  • The right to know with whom we have shared personal data about you, for what purposes, and what personal data has been shared, including whether personal data was disclosed to third parties for their own direct marketing purposes;
  • Where processing of personal data about you is based on consent, the right to withdraw your consent to such processing; and
  • The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority located in the jurisdiction of your habitual residence, place of work, or where an alleged violation of law occurred.
  •  Accessing, Modifying, Rectifying, and Correcting Collected Personal Data:We strive to maintain the accuracy of any personal data collected from you and will use commercially reasonable efforts to respond promptly to update our database when you tell us the information in our database is not accurate. However, we must rely upon you to ensure that the information you provide to us is complete, accurate, and up-to-date and to inform us of any changes. Please review all of your information carefully before submitting it to us and notify us as soon as possible of any updates or corrections.

    In accordance with applicable law, you may obtain from us certain personal data in our records. If you wish to access, review, or make any changes to personal data you have provided to us through the Services, you may do so at any time by contacting us as provided below or, for certain information, through your account on the Services. Please note, however, that we reserve the right to deny access as permitted or required by applicable law.

  •  Your Privacy Rights:In addition to the above-listed rights, certain privacy laws may provide certain individuals with enhanced rights with respect to their personal data, depending on the jurisdictions, persons, and data involved. These rights may include, depending on the circumstances surrounding the processing of personal data:
    • The right to object to decisions based on profiling or automated decision-making that produce legal or similarly significant effects on you;
    • The right to request restriction of processing of personal data or object to processing of personal data carried out pursuant to (i) a legitimate interest or (ii) performance of a task in the public interest, including, but not limited to, processing for direct marketing purposes;
    • In certain circumstances, the right to data portability, which means that you can request that we provide certain personal data we hold about you in a machine-readable format; and
    • In certain circumstances, the right to erasure and/or the right to be forgotten, which means that you can request deletion or removal of certain personal data we process about you.

    Note that we may need to request additional information from you to validate your request. To exercise any of the rights above, please contact us at

  •  Your Nevada Privacy Rights:Gulfstream does not sell (as defined under Nevada law) personal data protected under applicable Nevada law. However, Nevada law permits our users who are Nevada consumers to request that their personal data not be sold, even if their personal data is not currently being sold. Requests may be made to, and are free of charge.
  •  Your California Privacy Rights:California residents, see our “California Privacy Notice Addendum” for more information about certain legal rights.
  •  Your China Privacy Rights:China residents, see our “China Privacy Notice Addendum” for more information about certain legal rights.

In addition to your choices with respect to the collection of personal data (see “WHAT INFORMATION DO WE COLLECT?” above), you have the ability to make certain choices about how we communicate with you and how we process certain personal data.

  •  Communications Opt-Out:You may opt out of receiving marketing or other communications from us at any time through a given communications channel, such as email, telephone or post, by following the opt-out link or other unsubscribe instructions provided in any email message received from us, by contacting us at the email address provided at the end of this Privacy Notice, or by informing our customer service representatives of your desire to opt out. If you wish to opt out by sending us an email to the address provided below, please include “Opt Out” in the email’s subject line and include in the body of the email your name and the email address (and, if applicable, telephone number and address).

    Note that if you do business with us in the future, you may not, subject to applicable law, opt out of certain automated notifications, such as order or subscription confirmations, based on business transactions (e.g., e-commerce).

  •  Location Information:You can deactivate location services on your device, or you can deny or remove the permission for those Services to access location information. Please refer to your device manufacturer or operating system instructions for instructions on how to do this.
  •  Cookies, Web Tracking, and Advertising:Consult our Cookie Notice for more information about how to control and/or opt out of certain web tracking technologies.
  •  MyGulfstream Account:Some of our Services require that you login to the Services with your MyGulfstream account credentials. If you do not use your valid MyGulfstream account username and password to log into such Services, you will not be able to use some or all of the functionality of those Services.
  •  Sharing Reports:Note that you can choose to use the “Share” functionality in the PlaneBalance app to send and share reports you create with us and/or with third parties through your email account or other communications methods. To the extent you send any personal data to us using that functionality, we will use and share that information in compliance with this Privacy Notice. However, in the event you choose to share information with third parties, you understand that we have no knowledge of, or control over, such sharing, and you elect to do so at your own risk.
  •  Camera and Photo Albums:If you use our PlaneBook app, you can choose whether to provide the app with access to your device’s camera and photo storage; if you do, you will be able to insert photos into annotations in the app.
  •  Gulfstream Global Events:If you do not login to the Gulfstream Global Events app with the email address that you used to register for one or more of our event(s), you will not be able to use some or all of the functionality in the app.

Our Privacy Notice also includes information about other practices with respect to personal data, including:

  • Collection of personal data from children;
  • Links and references to third-party websites and services on our Services:
  • What happens to personal data in the event we sell or transfer some or all of our business; and
  • Information about where we process and transfer personal data.
  •  Collection of Personal Data from Children:Children under 16 years of age are not permitted to use the Services, and we do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 16. By using the Services, you represent that you are 18 years of age or older or you are 16 years of age or older and have valid parental consent to use the Services.
  •  Third-Party Websites and Services:As a convenience, we may reference or provide links to third-party websites and services, including those of unaffiliated third parties with which we do business, and who are not service providers with respect to the processing of personal data. When you access these third-party services and those third-party services collect and process your personal data, you leave our Services and we are not responsible for, and do not control, the content, security, or privacy practices employed by any third-party websites and services. You access these third-party services at your own risk. This Privacy Notice does not apply to any third-party services. Please refer to the Privacy Notices or policies for such third-party services for information about how they collect, use, and process personal data.
  •  Business Transfer:We may, in the future, sell or otherwise transfer some or all of our business, operations, or assets to a third party, whether by merger, acquisition, or otherwise. Personal data we obtain from or about you via the Services may be disclosed to any potential or actual third-party acquirers and may be among those assets transferred.
  •  International Data Transfers:Your personal data will be stored and processed in the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other locations where we have operations and/or have engaged service providers. By your use of the Services you acknowledge that we will transfer your data to, and store your personal data in, the United States and other jurisdictions, which may have different data protection rules than in your country, and personal data may become accessible as permitted by law in the United States, including to law enforcement and/or national security authorities in the United States. For transfers of personal data out of the European Economic Area or the United Kingdom, unless a specific exception applies under relevant data protection law, we will only transfer your personal data to countries that have been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data by the European Commission or the UK Information Commissioner, or where we use  Standard Contractual Clauses as approved by the European Commission and/or UK Information Commissioner (as applicable) to provide appropriate safeguards.

This Privacy Notice replaces all previous disclosures we may have provided to you about our information practices with respect to the Services. We reserve the right, at any time, to modify, alter, and/or update this Privacy Notice, and any such modifications, alterations, or updates will be effective upon our posting of the revised Privacy Notice. We will use reasonable efforts to notify you in the event material changes are made to our processing activities and/or this Privacy Notice, such as by posting a notice on the applicable Services for a period of time or sending you an email. Your continued use of the Services following our posting of any revised Privacy Notice will constitute your acknowledgement of the amended Privacy Notice.


This Privacy Notice is subject to any applicable Addenda, as well as any agreements, including the Terms of Use and any Additional Terms that govern your use of the applicable Services. This Privacy Notice applies regardless of the means used to access or provide information through the Services.

This Privacy Notice does not apply to information from or about you collected by any third-party services as described above in the section captioned “Third-Party Websites and Services”. The collection or receipt of your information by such third parties is subject to their own privacy policies, statements, and practices, and under no circumstances are we responsible or liable for any third party’s compliance therewith.


If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Notice and/or how we process personal data, or would like to exercise any of the legal rights set forth above, please contact us at:

Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
Legal Department
500 Gulfstream Road, Mail Stop B-06
Savannah, GA 31408

Gulfstream’s European point of contact is CSRA Ireland Limited and can be contacted at

If you are located in the European Union or European Economic Area and you wish to raise a concern regarding our use of your personal data, you have the right to do so with our lead supervisory authority, the Irish Data Protection Commission (“DPC”) at or your local supervisory authority. If you are located in the United Kingdom and you wish to raise a concern regarding our use of your personal data, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) at We would, however, appreciate the opportunity to deal with your concerns before you approach the DPC or ICO, so please contact us in the first instance.